An Auric Aesthetician Gave Me an Energetic Beauty Prescription—These 11 Things Are Now Nonnegotiables

An Auric Aesthetician Gave Me an Energetic Beauty Prescription—These 11 Things Are Now Nonnegotiables

I’m a Reiki healer who also happens to be a beauty editor. Because of this, I’m always open to any beauty practice that’s considered even slightly woo-woo. Sometimes, the universe really delivers in this regard and sends me exactly my kind of people. I was introduced to auric aesthetician Mikaela MacLean by a good friend, and I immediately became infatuated with her. MacLean is a woman of many talents. First, she’s a fellow Reiki healer and gifted aesthetician, and she’s the host of the Beauty by Design podcast and lead educator for organic beauty brand LilFox. What I love even more about MacLean, though, is that she incorporates the study of human design into her practice and creates a totally unique experience for her clients, who can opt to receive a chart reading, energetic beauty prescription, and skin consult through her website.

I got the incredible opportunity to chat with MacLean about my own human design chart, and she even gave me a few beauty essentials I now consider holy-grail items. Not sure what human design is or how it can relate to your skin and overall health? Don’t worry. MacLean gave me a bit more insight. If you love a bit of woo-woo energy in your beauty routine too, keep reading. I’m sharing my complete energetic beauty prescription and chat with MacLean below.

What is human design?

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